
I still dream of Orgonon – Kate Bush

This is a quiz. Don’t click any links until you know the answer. Don’t peek below. Much of this text comes from Wikipedia. To whom are the following statements referring:

1- He opened six free sex clinics in 1927.

2- He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1933.

The question of the book was why did the masses turn to authoritarianism even though it is clearly against their interests? He set out to analyze “the economic and ideological structure of (particularly) German society between 1928 and 1933” in this book. The healthy alternative, he proposes, is a form of “Workers Democracy“, whereby those who ‘do’ the actual work make the decisions as to what, how and why.

This work draws the link between authoritarianism and sexual repression we can see today in the religious right.

3- In 1933 a Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter published an attack on his work and he was forced to flee Germany.

4- He was excluded from the Danish Communist Party (without ever having joined it) because of his promotion of teenage sex and the publication that year of The Mass Psychology of Fascism, which they regarded as “counterrevolutionary”.

5- He wrote The Sexual Revolution in 1936 in which he analyzed the tools the authoritarian state uses to suppress sexuality.

These include: the ideology of lifelong, monogamous marriages – “compulsive marriage;” the suppression of infantile sexuality, the primary cause of unnatural sexual desires and perversions later in life; a lack of candid sexual education or sexual freedom for adolescents; the persecution of abnormal sexualities such as homosexuality; the illegality of abortion; and marriage as a legalized institution, and the lack of an “incompatibility” reason for divorce

6- He had his books burned by the U.S. government in 1956 and died in prison the next year.

If you haven’t guessed or clicked the links, the man is Wilhelm Reich and he was pretty crazy and brilliant. When admitted to prison, the psychologists thought he was delusional and paranoid. But you’re not paranoid if they really are after you. After being forced to flee Germany, encountering the ire of the communists, and having his books burned by the U.S. government maybe he had reason to be paranoid.

One of his craziest ideas was the notion of orgone energy. Orgone was a bioelectric, life force, responsible for life and health. Its constriction and deficits were the causes of disease. He invented orgone accumulators that people could sit in to increase their orgone energy. It was this device that led to his troubles with FDA.

The name “orgone” is derived from “orgasm” and Reich believed the life-force to operate with a four-beat rhythm similar to the pattern of an orgasm.

mechanical tension -> bio-electric charge -> bio-electric discharge -> mechanical relaxation

Reich believed orgone to be more than electricity, but it is difficult not to see the parallels with the electrical activity in action potentials firing.

He invented a cloudbuster device that he believed could unlock orgone in the atmosphere and produce rain. That device is depicted in the Kate Bush video that tells a story of the FDA arriving and taking Reich off to jail. The video and song were based on a memoir by Peter Reich, Wilhelm’s son.
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Computationalism: Dualism or Panpsychism?

In philosophy of mind, the computational theory of mind (CTM), also known as computationalism, is a family of views that hold that the human mind is an information processing system and that cognition and consciousness together are a form of computation.

What is computation?

The question of when a physical system is computing is fundamentally a question about the relationship of abstract mathematical/logical entities to physical ones A ‘computation’ is a mathematical abstraction described in one of the logical formalisms developed by theoretical computer scientists. A ‘computer’ is a physical system with actual constituent parts and its own internal interactions that take it from one physical state to another. The computer is taken to stand in a certain relation to the computation—if we can formulate this relation, then we can answer our question of when a physical system is performing computation. To act as a computer is always to be performing a specific computation, we therefore need to ask: when is this physical system performing that (not always known) computation, and what is the relation required between the physical system and the abstract computation that this can be determined?

If your version of computationalism believes “abstract mathematical/logical entities” are consciousness, then it would be non-physicalist. It would be little different from a soul inhabiting something physical.

On the other hand, if your version of computationalism believes only the physical entities implementing the abstract mathematical entities are consciousness then it is would be physical theory but it would allow any type of matter able to create the correct relationship to be conscious. That would mean likely any form of solid matter, maybe liquids and gases too, could be conscious. In other words, it would be a variant of panpsychism.

Posted in Consciousness | 6 Comments

A Thought Experiment

Frequently the lack of direct accessibility to the thoughts and experiences others is mentioned as problem for explaining consciousness. What if the problem could be solved?

Imagine this scenario.

Subject A has a silicon brain implant with an external access port that can capture neural activity of his brain.

Subject B has a similar implant in her brain.

If the two access ports were plugged into each other, would Subjects A and B have direct access to the thoughts and experiences of the other person?

Would each subject have two fields of vision?

Could Subject A remember experiences from Subject B’s childhood?

This experiment certainly isn’t a total impossibility. Implants, including Musk’s Neuralink, are being developed to capture brain activity. Sign up here. How long before somebody plugs the implants from two different brains together? The movie Brainstorm from 1983 envisioned this possibility and also had a mechanism for recording the brain activity on spools of tape.

Would the other brain seem familiar or foreign?

Would Subject A see the same or similar colors from Subject B’s brain?

Would Subject A and Subject B merge into one consciousness?

Or, would nothing different happen in the consciousness of the two subjects?

Just asking.

Posted in AI, Consciousness | 15 Comments