The Subjectivity Problem

Subjectivity is another notion sometimes equated with the qualitative or the phenomenal aspects of consciousness in the literature

Although, as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy notes, subjectivity should probably be considered an aspect of consciousness rather than equivalent to it. Subjectivity is, however, frequently mentioned as a problem needing explanation. It is also closely aligned with the notion of consciousness as private.

But is it a problem at all?

In fact, I think subjectivity is a good representation of reality.

In fact, I think all reality we know is subjective. It is just that some of that reality mimics aspects of the reality outside of our own subjective one. From the perspective of our consciousness experience, we only perceive second-hand neuronal representations of external and internal reality. Those representations are internal and subjective.

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5 Responses to The Subjectivity Problem

  1. I don’t know if it’s what you intended, but the impression of the diagram and the description is of the homunculus, the little person in the head, with its infinite regress issues. If the homunculus’ perspective is of a representation of reality, is there a homunculus inside it with a perspective of a representation of the representation or reality? And one inside it?

    Of course, we can break the regress by having each nested homunculus be less sophisticated than its outer one. At some point though, we have to get to sub-homunculus mechanics. 

    My (current) take is that we perceive the world, and the representations are part of the mechanics of that perceiving. Perceptions are inferences based on innate and uniquely learned heuristics, and so can be wrong, and vary among individuals. I think that’s the type of subjectivity that exists. 

    Liked by 2 people

    • James Cross says:

      That’s why it’s called ‘Perspective”.

      The “self” exists in the internal neural layer. If I drew it would include body states/memories and overlap into the external world representations at the interface points like the skin and probably include social relationships. It needs to be part of the whole model because the world model needs to model both the internal state of the organism and the organism’s relationships with the world.

      “My (current) take is that we perceive the world, and the representations are part of the mechanics of that perceiving”. 

      Maybe right and probably how I might have thought of it. I’m toying, however, with a slightly different approach. I was saving it for later after the idea germinates a bit.

      This gist of it is that that those representations in the internal neural layer are NOT qualia or anything we would recognize as consciousness. They are neural patterns that imitate the information contained in their inputs from senses and internal processes. They are the sorts of things available to objective study in fMRIs and such, although we still lack the key to understanding them. The concept of perspective represents a second level process of consolidation of information that results in qualia and the like. I’m not fixated on the word “perspective” but I thought it appropriate for this diagram and the point I was trying to make here.

      There will be more in my next post.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Matti Meikäläinen says:

    James, this appears to be a continuation of your essay, Consciousness as Mimicry, from last May along with a new explanatory diagram. Your statement that “…all reality we know is subjective. It is just that some of that reality mimics aspects of the reality outside of our own subjective one,” seems very much Iike a summary of that previous fascinating and provocative discussion as does the explanatory diagram. To clarify, and before exploring further, does this diagram offer a revision of sorts? Either way I tend to agree with SelfAwarePatterns’ homunculus comment.

    Liked by 2 people

    • James Cross says:

      See comment to SelfAwarePatterns below on “homunculus “.

      Yes, it is a continuation of “Consciousness as Mimicry” but also is an evolution from that. I now put the mimicry aspect more on the neuronal patterns from which consciousness develops possibly as part of memory process. That would also be a continuation and evolution of the consciousness as learning approach I wrote extensively about four years ago.

      Evolution, Learning, and Uncertainty

      If you read selections from my blog over the years, you can find many many examples of inconsistencies and reversals of positions. I’ve changed my mind a lot and my current thoughts are almost opposite to views of a few years ago. I feel like I am converging on something now but I’ve felt that in the past only to change my view.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve Ruis says:

    There seems to be a tendency to overthink problems surrounding a successful interpretation of consciousness. This seems to be another one.

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